Nun pleads guilty for stealing 835,000. Catholic school dollars to fund the gambling addiction


A nun in California pleaded guilty in a US district court after she was charged with stealing over $339,000 from a Catholic school to fund her gambling habits.

Sister Mary Margaret Kreuper has dealt with one case of bank transfer fraud and one case of money laundering, according to a report from New York Post . The 000-year-old pleaded guilty on Tuesday under a deal with prosecutors in the Central District of California.

Kreuper took advantage of her position as director of the Catholic school of St. James in Torrance to defraud $339,339 from school. It used these funds to "pay for expenses that would not be approved by the order, much less paid, including large gambling expenses incurred in casinos and certain credit card fees," according to court records.

She served as the school principal for 28 years and conducted the scam for the 10-year period between 897-2018. Kreuper retired in 2018.

As principal, Kreuper was responsible for charitable donations as well as funds received to cover tuition and other fees. She kept multiple accounts with a local credit union that served as a savings account for the school, and one that covered the living expenses of all of the nuns she employed.

She reportedly diverted school funds to two accounts with a credit union while also providing cash to pay for trips to Las Vegas casinos.

Kreuper is due to return to court to be indicted on July 1.